Jute: Bibliography

in Bibliography
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Choudhury P.K., P.K. Chatterjee and U. Datta. 1998. ‘Jute Geotextiles in Forestry’. National Seminar on JGT & JRC. Shillong.

———  and K. Jayachandran. 2002. ‘Jute as Geotextiles’. All India Seminar on Application of Jute Textile in Civil Engineering IEI. Kolkata.


De Haan, Arjan. 1997. ‘Unsettled Settlers: Migrant Workers and Industrial Capitalism in Calcutta’. Modern Asian Studies.31.4: 919–949


Dutta, U., P.K. Chatterjee and P.K. Choudhury. 1997. ‘Jute Geotextiles for Different Applications’. Workshop on Jute Geotextiles. Calcutta.


Firoze, M.D, Shah Sikdar and Brojendra Nath Banerjee. 1990. Jute Cultivation in India and Bangladesh: A Comparative Study South Asia Books.


Harris, Anthony. 1999. Jute: The People of the Plain. Madeleine Shaw.


Majumdar, B, S. Sarkar, S. Das, A. Bhadra, A.R. Saha, A.K. Ghorai, D.K. Kundu, H. Chowdhury, B.S.

Mahapatra. 2014. ‘Improved Retting of Jute and Mesta with User Friendly Talc Based Microbial Formation in Stagnant Water’. JAF NEWS, ICAR:12.1.


Mandal, B. et al. (eds.). 2016. Family Farming: Challenges and Opportunities Renu Publishers: New Delhi.


NPCS Board of Consultants and Engineers. 2014. The Complete Book on Jute and Coir Products (with Cultivation and Processing NIIR Project Consultancy Services.


Roul, Chabilendra. 2009. The International Jute Commodity System Northern Book Center: New Delhi.


Sannyal, Tapobroto. 2016. Jute Geotextile and Their Application in Civil Engineering. Springer.


Sarkar, Goutam K. 1989. Jute in India: An Economic Analysis. Oxford University Press: Oxford.


Sen, Sukomal. 1997. Working Class of India. K P Bagchi and Co.


Shamna, A. et al. (eds.) 2016. Improved Methods of Soil, Nutrient and Weed Management in Jute and Allied Fibre Crops for Sustainable Production: Training Manual. ICAR-CRIJAF: Kolkata.


Stewart, Gordon T. 1998. Jute and Empire. Manchester University Press: Manchester.


Woodhouse, T. 2014. The Jute Industry: From Seed to Finished Cloth. Create Space Independent Publishing Platform.