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One finds a great deal of natural history drawings in Mughal paintings. Here, Prof B.N. Goswamy writes about Botanicum, a book that reminds us how plants appeared on Earth, and how we, in India, have lost the tradition of natural history paintings. (Photo courtesy: The Tribune)
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This video catalogues the making of an individual shola flower from scratch: from the stem unit being shaved to the pulling of the thread allowing the flower to bloom. The video then proceeds to show how different types of flowers can be made with a slight change in the slits made in the…
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This video documents the entire process of making crafts out of the shola plant. Hailing from ordinary marshy regions, shola stems are miraculously transformed into breathtakingly beautiful handicrafts using simples blades and threads. Different regions of Bengal specialise in the making of…
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Sholapith, also referred to as shola or Indian cork, is a plant which grows wild in marshy waterlogged areas of Bengal, Assam, Orissa and the Deccan. The biological name of shola is Aeschynomeneaspera. From the planta dried milky-white spongy plant matter is extracted which in Bengal…
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The eastern frontiers of India are carved out by the state of West Bengal. Defining itself through all the physical features that the country has, Bengal is beauty cast in all forms, be it literature, music, culture, festivals, crafts, traditions, or science. The festive calendar of Bengal…
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