Khwaja Ahmad AbbasModule
Bombay Film Industry
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
Abbas on Films and Film-writing
Ravikant (historian, writer and translator)
The polyglot Abbas was as incredibly prolific in his nearly half-century long filmmaking career as he was in his literary and journalistic avatars. He was also successful in carving out a niche for himself by…
in Article
Khwaja Ahmad Abbas (June 7, 1914 – June 1, 1987) was an Indian film director and producer, novelist, screenwriter, columnist, short story writer and playwright. In a career spanning over half a century, Abbas emerged on the Indian and global scene as a communicator of great repute. In the 73 years…
in Video
My mother travelled all the way from Panipat to Bombay (now Mumbai) in the mid-1940s to receive proper medical attention in the care of a loving sister-in-law, Mujtabi Khatoon (Mujji). Here in Bombay in a small flat in a building called Samandar Tarang I was born as yet another K.A.A. because…
in Article
Scriptwriter, director, writer, journalist K.A. Abbas’ contribution to Hindi cinema is unique in several ways. Firstly, he negotiated what I would like to call a ‘bipolar order’ (not to be confused with bipolar disorder, which is a medical term). By this I mean that he found a way of…
in Article
के.के. नैयर- ख्वाजा अहमद अब्बास साहब मैं हाज़िर हुआ हूँ आपके पास इस इरादे से की आप के फन,फन के ये सूरत, ये तहरीक, फिल्म साजी ये सब शामिल है उसमें और जो मोमताज मक़ाम आपने हासिल किया है न सिर्फ अदब में बल्कि जर्नलिज्म और फिल्मों में, तो आपकी जिंदगी आपके रात आपके फन के बारे में मालूमात हासिल करके…
in Interview
This multimedia module is a small window into the all-encompassing world of K.A. Abbas, whose creative oeuvre in Urdu, Hindi and English, consists of over 74 books, more than a 100 short stories, 3000 newspaper columns and a number of films, either scripted, directed or both; all in a life span of…
in Module
Today when we are almost two decades into the 21st century, Khwaja Ahmad Abbas has become even more relevant than he was in the 1950s, ’60s and ’70s. He wrote furiously and prolifically for films, newspapers, journals, stories, novels and dramas; his pen flowed in Urdu and English with equal ease.…
in Overview