
Displaying 1 - 10 of 15
Soumik Datta
It addresses the historical origins of the modern solo bhawaiya form, the influence of nature and Rajbanshi culture on the development of the songs, and its gradual dissemination from early theatrical roots through the itinerant moishals (buffalo keepers) and gariyals (cart drivers) to…
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Soumik Datta
He has authored numerous books and essays on different aspects of the sociocultural history of North Bengal as well as ethnomusicological studies of bhawaiya songs. He is also a retired IAS officer and currently an elected representative of the West Bengal Legislative Assembly.  In this…
in Interview
Soumik Datta
Bhawaiya is an iconic genre of folk song practised throughout the sub-Himalayan belt of northern West Bengal, southern Assam and north-western Bangladesh. There is an approximate consensus that the origins of the form may be dated back to at least the sixteenth century, during the reign of Raja…
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Soumik Datta
Bhawaiya is a major genre of folk song popular throughout the entire sub-Himalayan belt of northern West Bengal, western Assam and parts of Bangladesh. Drawing its roots from various theatrical and matriarchal ritual folk music traditions, bhawaiya has developed into a socially conscious yet…
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Madan Meena
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Madan Meena
Antar Jogi rears goats in the nearby forest everyday. In the interview, Antar says that he learned singing from his elders when he was very young. His father passed away very early when he was a child. While grazing the goats he used to memorize the ballads. He has closely observed the…
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Madan Meena
  आॅडियो फाईल नं॰ Bharathari-06   सतमंती सूरा जणै चै बड़भागण दातारऽऽ  दातार भईयाऽऽ! सतमंती सूरा जणै चै बड़भागण दातारऽऽ  दातार भाईऽऽ!   कोई लछमी संत जणै च लाडला ओ रै कूळ जणै च ई संसारऽऽ संसार भाई!   राणी पिंगळाऽऽ हम्मै भाईऽऽ! घणी-घणी बरजै राजा भरतरी नैऽऽ भरतरी नै भाईऽऽ…
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Madan Meena
  आॅडियो फाईल नं॰ Bharathari-05   मनक्या ऐ देखी मोज में चैतो नही गुंवारऽऽ गुवांर भाईऽऽ! ऐ! मनक्या देखी मोज में चैतो नही गुंवारऽऽ गुवांर भाईयाऽऽ! कागद का मंदर बण्या च रगड़ता ना लागै यानै कोई बारऽऽ बार रै भईयाऽऽ! अरे म्हारा सांवराऽऽ ऐ! भाग भरोसे ही रीजो मत करता रीजो कामऽऽ कामऽऽ! करमहीण रीजो…
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Madan Meena
  आॅडियो फाईल नं॰ Bharathari-04   बोल भरतहरी बाबा... की जयऽऽ! धूप पड़ै धरती तपै च उड़ै कसुमल रैतऽऽ रैत भाईऽऽ! अरेऽऽ पाळा चालै राजा भरतहरी लिख दिया च रै बिधाता नै करमां मेंऽऽ लैख भाईऽऽ! डोबा पयाड़ पै, हम्मे शईऽऽ! भरतहरी , हम्मैऽऽ! पानदै माता, माता शईऽऽ! बाई मेंणावन्ती, हम्मै शईऽऽ! आज रै…
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Madan Meena
  आॅडियो फाईल नं॰ Bharathari-03 मन लोभीऽऽ मन लालचीऽऽ मन चंचल मन चोरऽऽ चोर भाईऽऽ! मन कै मतै मत चालणा यै लाडला ओ रै पलक-पलक में या औरऽऽ और च भईयाऽऽ! हर मंदर में चोरी होईऽऽ चोरी में गई नही एक लालऽऽ लाल भाईऽऽ! हर मंदर में चोरी होईऽऽ चोरी में गई नही एक लालऽऽ लाल भाईऽऽ! अरे ड़ाँका तो लाग्या कोनै…
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