Serena Autiero
Serena Autiero: Buongiorno Giuseppina, e grazie per avermi concesso quest’intervista! Abbiamo tanto da imparare dalla sua opera e dall’impegno nel tutelare la preziosa Collezione Signorelli. Per iniziare potrebbe brevemente raccontarci chi era sua madre Maria Signorelli e darci qualche informazione…
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Serena Autiero
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Serena Autiero
Indian puppetry is a subject as varied as the many cultural traditions of the Indian subcontinent. Several regional genres make puppetry one of the richest heritages of India. Though there is enormous diversity, there are common traits.
The origin of puppetry in India cannot be dated…
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Serena Autiero
Tholu Bommalata is the shadow theatre tradition of the Telugu-speaking area of India: Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and bordering areas. The main plots of the plays are from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, but the epic stories are enriched by intermissions of comic nature.…
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Serena Autiero
Tholu bommalata (also spelled: tolu bommalata, or tholu bommalattam; Latin spellings of Telugu words can be rendered in several ways, in this text we use a spelling that is as easy as possible for English speakers) literally means the dance (attam, ata) of the leather (…
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Serena Autiero, Claudia Primangeli
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Serena Autiero
Autiero, Serena. 2013. ‘Danzando nella luce – Il teatro delle ombre dell’India Meridionale.’ In Il Principe e la sua ombra (Catalogue of the Exhibition, National Museum of Oriental Art 'G. Tucci', Rome), edited by Gabriella Manna, 61–70. Roma: Gangemi Editore.
Chattopadhyay, Kamaladevi. 1995…
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Serena Autiero
Tholu bommalata (also spelled: tolu bommalata, or tholu bommalattam) is the Telugu shadow theatre tradition of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and parts of Karnataka. Tholu bommalata literally means the dance (atta) of the leather (tholu) puppets (bommalu). Among the many traditions, tholu bommalata…
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Aishwarya Javalgekar and Sashank Kini
Puppetry, derived from the Greek word ‘neuroplasta’ meaning string pulling, has been a popular form of communication since the ancient times. Puppetry has evolved over the years, starting with more traditional forms such as rod1, string2, glove3 and shadow puppetry4 to…
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