Mahatma Gandhi

Displaying 11 - 15 of 15
Rajarshi Chunder
Rabindranath Tagore’s ideas about caste have received the least attention from historians. Even though Tagore’s oeuvre has been lauded mainly for its literary value, it may be said that in his writings he was definitely vocal about social and political issues, caste being one of them. Tagore…
in Overview
Rajarshi Chunder
This module explores how the institution of caste has been used to understand Indian society since the mid-19th century. The overview article is on Rabindranath Tagore's ideas and opinions about caste; allied articles focus on perceptions of caste by the literati of 19th-century Bengal and on the …
in Module
Tridip Suhrud is a political scientist and a cultural historian, who has worked on the intellectual history of Gujarat and the Gandhian tradition. He has translated the works of Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Govardhanram Madhavaram Tripathi, Ashis Nandy, Ganesh Devy and Suresh Joshi.   In…
in Interview
Saaz Aggarwal
Bhai Pratap was not just a Sindhi hero. Given the magnitude of his achievements, the extent of his culture and learning and the impact his decisions and actions had on others, Bhai Pratap was a hero of humankind. And yet, there are no memorials or tomes that commemorate his extraordinary life. He…
in Article
Dr Rekha Avasthi
  प्रगतिशील साहित्यिक आंदोलन का इतिहास प्रगतिशील लेखक संघ के संगठन संबंधी पहलुओं की उपेक्षा करके नहीं लिखा जा सकता| प्रगतिशील आंदोलन पर प्रकाशित चाहे स्वतंत्र समीक्षा कृतियाँ हों अथवा अनुसंधानपरक ग्रंथ हों, सभी इस दुर्बलता के कारण वैज्ञानिक विवेचन की वस्तुगत दृष्टि से रहित हैं| पहली बार यह प्रयत्न…
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