Sashank Kini
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Aishwarya Javalgekar and Sashank Kini
Puppetry, derived from the Greek word ‘neuroplasta’ meaning string pulling, has been a popular form of communication since the ancient times. Puppetry has evolved over the years, starting with more traditional forms such as rod1, string2, glove3 and shadow puppetry4 to…
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Sashank Kini
Humble Beginnings
With a compact team of 5 producers, Bombay Doordarshan1 was inaugurated in Worli on October 2, 1972 – coincidentally on Gandhi Jayanti. The city’s cosmopolitan nature led to programming in 5 languages – English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, and Sindhi. There were four major…
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G. Venu writes aboout Pavakathakali, the traditional glove-puppet play of Kerala, the puppets used in the performance and the artists behind it.
in Library Artifacts
Tran Van Khe writes about Mua Roi Nuoc, the water puppets of Vietnam, and their origin, the technique behind their performances, traditional scenes that they perform and their references found in the historical texts.
in Library Artifacts
Mir Ahammad Ali
The systematic study of puppetry and puppets is a very recent phenomenon in India, although puppetry as a performing art has a rich history in the country. The earliest references to puppetry in India can be found in the Rig Veda, and then in Kautilya’s Arthashastra, where performers from…
in Overview
Books and Articles
Ali, Mir Mahammad, and Mir Ahammad Ali. 2015. ‘Beni Putul or the Glove Puppetry: A Performing Tool for Resistance to Colonialism’. Online at (viewed on October 10, 2016).
Ghosh, S., and U. Banerjee.…
in Bibliography
This module introduces the tradition of Beni Putul or glove puppetry from West Bengal, through an interview and demonstration by master puppeteer Mr Basanta Kumar Ghorai. There are three popular traditional forms of puppetry in West Bengal: Dang (rod), Beni or Bene (glove)…
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