Aprameya Manthena
‘Kuravar’ was the generic name given to hill/forest communities of the Deccan that practised shifting cultivation, food gathering and hunting. The kuratti or singi (female belonging to Kuravar community) and the kuravan or singan (male belonging to the Kuravar community) belong to the Kurinji (hill…
in Module
Chandrayee Dey
Traditionally in a Bengali Muslim family, neighbours, relations and community women, locally called biye gauni, were invited by the head of the family to come and join a wedding and perform during the marriage rituals and ceremony. Their performance included songs, dance and kaap (comic…
in Module
Mushtak Khan
राजस्थान के भीलवाड़ा क्षेत्र में कपड़े की पृष्ठभूमि पर लोक देवता देवनारायण एवं पाबूजी आदि के जीवन पर आधारित एवं उनकी शौर्य गाथाओं पर बनाए जाने वाले पारम्परिक अनुष्ठानिक कुंडलित चित्र, पड़/फड़ चित्र कहलाते हैं। फड़ केवल एक चित्र भर नहीं माना जाता, यह अपने आप में देव स्वरूप है। इसलिए इसे बनाने…
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Dr John D. Smith
The epic of Pābūjī is a long heroic narrative performed in Rajasthan. Performances normally take place at night, and have a religious purpose: the hero Pābūjī, a Rāṭhoṛ prince believed to have lived in medieval times, is nowadays regarded as a deity by some pastoral communities (principally…
in Overview
Priya Malik
The aim of the research is to document critically the customs and rituals of a Jat Haryanvi marriage. For the same, the Haryanvi marriage songs will not only be archived, but interpreted and re-imagined in their translations. This research is a humble beginning of the infinite task of bringing…
in Module
Chandramolle Modgil: How significant is wood, as a raw material, in Himalayan Buddhist structures?
Laxman S. Thakur: Whether in Buddhist or brahmanical structures, wood has been very used prominently. In Himachal, there is archaeological evidence of wood right from the first century CE, when…
in Interview
Indian Folklife brings out original and unpublished research papers, and announcements in the discipline of Folklore. Indian Folklife is published quarterly by National Folklore Support Centre (NFSC), a non-governmental, non-profit organisation, registered in Chennai, dedicated…
in Library Artifacts
Biswajit Halder and Judhajit Sarkar
দক্ষিণ ২৪ পরগণা জেলার ডায়মন্ড হারবার, জয়নগর, কাকদ্বীপ, কুলপি প্রভৃতি থানার অন্তর্গত বহু এলাকায় চৈত্রমাসের সংক্রান্তিতে চড়কোৎসব উপলক্ষ্যে পূজা আয়োজকের বাড়িবাড়ি রাতেরবেলা গানবাজনা অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। এলাকায় এই লোকাঙ্গিকের নাম ‘গাজন গান’। কোথাও কোথাও একে ‘চৈতেগাব’ও বলে। চৈত্রমাসে অনুষ্ঠিত ‘গাঁ’-জনের উৎসব তাই…
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