
Displaying 1 - 10 of 16
Bobby Luthra Sinha
  Origin, ethics and closeness to nature   As in most pre-industrial societies, the geographic and topographical features of Rajasthan exerted a significant influence over its socio-economic conditions. The Aravalli hills divide Rajasthan broadly into two natural divisions: the north-…
in Overview
Saraswati Bishnoi
  General attributes   Khejri (Prosopis cineraria) is one of the most common tree species found in India (in the dry regions of Rajasthan, Delhi, Gujarat, Punjab and Madhya Pradesh), Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan. It plays a vital role in preserving the ecosystem of arid and…
in Article
Sharmistha Dutta
in Image Gallery
Aprameya Manthena
  A. Mangai is the pseudonym of Dr. V. Padma.  She taught English in Stella Maris College, Chennai. She has been actively engaged in Tamil theatre as an actor, director and playwright for almost three decades. She hopes that her academic, activist and artistic selves can find a…
in Interview
Riddhi Pandey
  In the earliest of times there was no land but only water all around. One fine day, God created the earth. Immediately after, two ascetics emerged from the depths of the ground. One of the ascetics was the Brahmin and the other was the Nanga Baiga. To the Brahmin, God gave pen and paper for…
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Jaya Aishwarya
in Video
Lakshmi Swaminathan
Axelby, Richard. Pastures New: Pastoral Development and the Determination of Grazing Access in the Indian Himalayas (Unpublished doctoral dissertation), University of London, 2005.   Axelby, Richard. ‘Chamba Valley, Himalaya, Himachal Pradesh.’ In Ground Down by Growth: Tribe, Caste, Class and…
in Bibliography
Lakshmi Swaminathan
  Once upon a time, in one of the villages in Kangra valley, there lived a small family of a mother, son and his wife. The family owned a field where they grew rice, wheat, corn, maize and some vegetables. It was the time to harvest rice, but the son had gone far away with his livestock. The…
in Overview