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The role of storytellers in transmitting tales and epics orally is crucial, but has been fading from public memory in recent times. Bards travelling from place to place singing tales and epics transmitted these stories but also preserved them in ways and forms that were often unique to their…
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विश्व के लगभग सभी घुमक्कड़ बंजारा समुदायों में कपड़ों पर अनेक प्रकार की कशीदाकारी और अप्लीक काम की समृद्ध परम्पराएं हैं। भारत के गुजरात और राजस्थान के रेगिस्तानी क्षेत्रों में रहने वाली घुमक्कड़ जातियों में यह कला अत्यंत समृद्ध है। इन समुदायों की स्त्रियां सामान्य घरेलु सुई -धागे और रंग -…
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One of the biggest fairs of northern India, Jhande ka Mela is celebrated on the fifth day after the festival of Holi known as Chaitra Krishna Paksh ki Panchmi in commemoration of the birth anniversary of Guru Ram Rai, who is said to have christened what we today know as the city of Dehradun. This…
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This video documents the entire process of making crafts out of the shola plant. Hailing from ordinary marshy regions, shola stems are miraculously transformed into breathtakingly beautiful handicrafts using simples blades and threads. Different regions of Bengal specialise in the making of…
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The eastern frontiers of India are carved out by the state of West Bengal. Defining itself through all the physical features that the country has, Bengal is beauty cast in all forms, be it literature, music, culture, festivals, crafts, traditions, or science. The festive calendar of Bengal…
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