Bibliography: Ran-Ki-Vav

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Jain-Neubauer, J. 1999. The Stepwells of Gujarat. India International Centre Quarterly, 26.2:75–80.


Mankodi, K. 1991. The Queen’s Stepwell at Patan. Bombay: Franco-Indian Research Pvt. Ltd.


———. 2012. Rani Ki Vav at Pattan. New Delhi: Archaeological Survey of India.


Pandya, S. 2005. 'Who Constructed the Rani ki Vav of Pattan?', in Revealing India's Past: Recent Trends in Art and Archaeology: Prof. Ajay Mitra Shastri Commemoration Volume, eds. R.K. Sharma and Devendra Handa. R.N. Books International.


Priya, T.L. 2010. 'Protecting the Tangible and Intangible Heritage of Rani ki Vav: A Unique Subterranean Step Well in Gujarat, in Advanced Materials Research 133:1057–1064. 


Burgess, Jas and Henry Cousens. 1903. The Architectural Antiquities of Northern Gujarat, More Especially of the Districts included the Baroda State. London: University of Virginia.


Dhaky, M.A. 1961. 'The Chronology of the Solanki Temples of Gujarat', in Journal of the Madhya Pradesh Itihasa Parishad 3:1-83.