Sanghamitra Bhattacharya
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Sandipa Malakar
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Sudipto Das
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Amiya P. Sen
Over a hundred years back, intellectuals in India were debating the same issues we are now—what comprises ‘Hindu food’? Does it include meat or not? And does the controlled suppression of one’s natural instincts through abstinence lead to spiritual progress? We explore this controversial subject…
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Amiya P. Sen
Bengalis are known to quote Shakespeare as much as they do Tagore or Marx. But when did the words and ideas of the bard take hold of the Bengali intelligentsia? We explore three ways in which Shakespeare’s dramas made an indelible impact on the Bengali mind, starting in nineteenth-century Bengal. (…
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Sujoy Saha
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Tania Chatterjee
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Bina Das
Best known as a young revolutionary who took up arms against the British establishment, Bina Das numbers among the heroes of Indian history—alongside Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Preetilata Wadekar- who took up arms against the colonisers. This short memoir, published by Zubaan Books, movingly recounts…
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Abhijit Chakraborty
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Pritam Dutta
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