
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Surangama Lala Dasgupta
  Yoga teacher and therapist, Bablu Marik, explores the application of mudra in yoga. Mudra forms an integral part of yoga and meditation. It regulates the flow of energy and helps establish a balance between the body, the mind and the spirit. It is employed in Pranayama and meditations.…
in Interview
Bablu Marik
  The Sanskrit word “mudra” is often translated into English as “gesture”. It encompasses subtle movements that evoke moods, attitudes, and perceptions. A mudra can be formed with one or more fingers and hand positions—it can even include the whole body. The practice of asanas, pranayamas, and…
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Surangama Lala Dasgupta
By ‘therapy’, we mean interpersonal treatment for problems in life. Therapy provides ways to express feelings, understand patterns of thinking, gain perspective on past events and current relationships, set goals, and clarify dreams for the future. Psychotherapy, designed to improve mental health,…
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