
Displaying 1 - 3 of 3
Saaz Aggarwal
The Bhaibands, a Hindu trading community located in pockets all around the world today, originated in Hyderabad, Sindh, a town situated in India until Partition in 1947.       Map of India in 1857 (viewed on November 27, 2016)   The Bhaiband Sindhworkis emerged from the…
in Overview
Tulsi Mohinani
Sindh: The land of my ancestors   I am a fourth-generation Bhaiband. In our community, the men work in trading companies, living overseas. In the old days, the families lived at home in Hyderabad, Sindh. At the end of every period of two or three years, called the musafri or ‘trip’, the men…
in Article
Saaz Aggarwal
A multimedia module on the Bhaiband Sindhworkis, a Hindu trading community that was originally from Hyderabad, Sindh, a town situated in India until Partition in 1947, and is now located in pockets all around the world
in Module