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If there was one family that ‘knew’ Chinese art, and collected it with passion, it was that of the Tatas of Bombay. Politics aside, objects from the neighbouring country were a matter of pride in India a century ago, writes Prof B.N. Goswamy. (In pic: Snuff bottle imitating carved lacquer,…
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The princely state of Kutch was established in 1147 by Lakho Jadani, who migrated to Kutch from Sindh. With his twin brother, Lakhiar, he established Lakhiarviro, their capital, near present-day Nakhatrana, thus marking the beginning of the dynasty of Jadeja Rajputs in Kutch. In 1549, Khengarji I…
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The Kutch Museum located in Bhuj is the oldest museum in Gujarat. The museum was established by Maharao Sir Khengarji III of the Kutch State in the year 1877. Initially, the collection on display comprised the gifts received by Maharao Khengarji III on the occasion of his wedding. The…
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