The article is a collection of statements given by the artists during various sessions held as part of the East—West Dance Encounter, 1984.
in Library Artifacts
Ashish Mohan Khokar
On December 30, 1935, the headquarters of the Theosophical Society in Adyar witnessed the first appearance of a girl who had no real background in the dance of the dasis. It was unheard of that a Brahmin girl would publicly dance the art of the devadasis (temple dancers…
in Article
Bhaskar Chandavarkar writes about the inauguration of the Tata Theatre, Mumbai (11-19 October, 1980), and the following festival which featured musical and dance performances by some of the most emminent artists of the country.
in Library Artifacts
Ashish Mohan Khokar
Guru Pankaj Charan Das is the fountainhead of Odissi or Orissi, as it was previously known. He was born on March 17, 1921 (or 1925 as per family accounts) into a large joint family that had no sons and therefore was considered accursed. His mother, Kshetramani, was carrying him when she went…
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