Raas Leela

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
B.N. Goswamy
Analysing two paintings on the nine rasas of Krishna’s leelas, Prof. B.N. Goswamy is fascinated by how how two different painters—separated by more than a century and a half of time and by hundreds of miles—not only turning to the same poetic text and thus bonding together, but bringing their own…
in Article
Sharmistha Dutta
in Image Gallery
The article is a study of wall paintings found in the Hafeshvara Mahadeva Temple, Baroda district, that are scenes from the legends of Vishnu, Krishna and the Rasa dance.
in Library Artifacts
Richana Khumanthem: Please state your name.   Laishram Sharat Kumar Singh: My name is Laishram Sharat Kumar Singh. My father’s name is Apabi and my mother’s name Ibemhal. My parents also did the same work as me. I started working with them at a very young age.  As a child I used to go to…
in Interview