Raas Leela
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Analysing two paintings on the nine rasas of Krishna’s leelas, Prof. B.N. Goswamy is fascinated by how how two different painters—separated by more than a century and a half of time and by hundreds of miles—not only turning to the same poetic text and thus bonding together, but bringing their own…
in Article
The article is a study of wall paintings found in the Hafeshvara Mahadeva Temple, Baroda district, that are scenes from the legends of Vishnu, Krishna and the Rasa dance.
in Library Artifacts
Richana Khumanthem: Please state your name.
Laishram Sharat Kumar Singh: My name is Laishram Sharat Kumar Singh. My father’s name is Apabi and my mother’s name Ibemhal. My parents also did the same work as me. I started working with them at a very young age. As a child I used to go to…
in Interview