Neha Desai
In this interview, he presents a representative opinion of the Korlai villagers about their language, why they think it is necessary to preserve it and their worries about the increasing influence of other languages due to TV and mobile phones. It provides a new perspective regarding…
in Interview
Neha Desai
Language is a living system, continually changing and evolving. As much as the existence of the language is based on the people who speak it, the existence and worldview of people is also dependent on the language they speak. When people migrate from rural areas to cities, not only do the numerous…
in Overview
Neha Desai
Languages are living systems that undergo constant processes of structural and semantic changes. One such way in which languages change is through contact with other languages. When people speaking one language come in contact with another dominant language and start using it for various purposes,…
in Module
Annie Rachel Royson
in Image Gallery
Annie Rachel Royson
In the year 1579, Thomas Stephens (1549–1619), a young Jesuit priest, landed on the shores of Goa with the aim of preaching Christianity to the local subjects of the Portuguese colony. Little did he know that in the next four decades he would transform into a ‘devotee of the Marathi language’[…
in Overview
Annie Rachel Royson
Kristapurana (1616), a poetic retelling of the Christian Bible in Marathi, is a missionary composition from seventeenth-century Goa by the Jesuit Thomas Stephens (1549–1619). Written in verse in the Puranic style, this text has a total of 10,962 stanzas (ovi), and is one of the earliest…
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