Malayalam drama
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In the nineteenth century, there was a generation of privileged women contributing to the traditional genres of Malayalam literature. Among them, Kuttykkunhu Thangkachi leads the list as the first dramatist and first-known female music composer from Kerala. While early historians may have tried to…
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As the echoes of church bells linger in the dying twilight, the villagers tidy up and have an early dinner. Because, for some, their son might now be metamorphosing to a juggernaut dragon— attacking furiously, terrorising the village—and for some, their daughter might be yielding a mighty sword…
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Bake, A A. Charlemagne in Malabar. Folklore 74, no. 3 (1963): 450–59.
Chakravorty, Pallabi. ‘Hegemony, Dance and Nation: The Construction of the Classical Dance in India.’ South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 21, no. 2 (1998): 107–20.
Fuller, C. J. ‘Kerala Christians and the Caste System…
in Bibliography
Kaaralsman Charitham/A Chronicle of Emperor Charlemagne
Kaaralsmaan Charitham is considered to be the best Chavittunatakam ever made. Contrary to popular conception, this is not the first Chavittunatakam drama, but it definitely is the most popular one. The drama is based on the first Holy…
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