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This article by V. Raghavan is a study of music in Sanskrit literature.
in Library Artifacts
औपनिवेशिक काल की अंग्रेज़ी कट-दलीली को अगर नजरअंदाज कर दिया जाए, तो यह बात यकीन के साथ कही जा सकती है कि हिंदुस्तान में साहित्य-सृजन और इतिहास-लेखन की बहुआयामी परंपराएं प्राचीन-काल से मध्य-युग होते हुए आधुनिक दौर तक चली आती रही हैं| साहित्यक परंपराएं न केवल संस्कृत, तमिल और फारसी जैसी शास्त्रीय…
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The literary work is a deliberate creation of language which addresses readers through different formal configurations, which we call genres. Every work is oriented towards the reader/addressee through a particular arrangement of thematic and generic conventions which form the mode of address and…
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An overview of its history
The charit is a type of narrative found in a number of languages existing in pre-modern India, and still survives as a text-name in some of the modern languages formed from them. Generally, the charit is the narrative of a character’s life and/or exploits…
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