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सुदामा राम गुप्त
  छत्तीसगढ़ में वन, पर्वतों, गिरि-कन्दराओं, नदी-नालों, विशालकाय साल के पेड़ों से आच्छदित, गुफाओं व विभिन्न देव स्थलों से सुशोभित एक भूखण्ड है- सरगुजा। यहाँ के मूल निवासी जो पहाड़ी क्षेत्रों में रहते हैं- कोडाकू, कोरवा, सौंता, माझी, मझवार, बैगा आदि हैं। और मैदानी इलाके में रहने वाली जनजातियाँ हैं…
in Article
Sua Geet refers to songs sung and performed by women in Chhattisgarh celebrating the time of harvest. Women sing songs in a circle, at the center of which is usually placed a basket carrying harvested grain and a wooden figure of a parrot. The songs are sung to the beat of the clapping of hands,…
in Video
Debajit Bora
The word ‘Bihu’ doesn’t have a literal translation into English. Bihu is not just a word. It’s a feeling. Not just happiness, Bihu teaches every Assamese to celebrate sadness too. Primarily, there are three Bihus celebrated by the Assamese community—Rongali or Bohag Bihu (festival of happiness),…
in Overview