Namrata Toraskar
She has worked relentlessly among the Adivasis in the tribal belt of Thane and Palghar districts of Maharashtra in the process of their articulation, assertion and autonomy.
Following is an edited transcript of the interview conducted with Shiraz Prabhu at her residence and Dahanu beach…
in Interview
Namrata Toraskar
in Image Gallery
Namrata Toraskar
Tethe suryesar deva
Tyaca ujeda padala
Tetha jagisara deva
Tetha bijesara deva
Jyaca bija padala
Hota navarica ra deva
Tyaca mavala
Tetha bijesara deva
Tyaca bija phutala
Tetha dhomesara deva
Tyaca dhome hutala
Tetha tadesara deva
Tyala tadamada rana
Tetha ambesara deva ...
The Sun God was present…
in Overview
Namrata Toraskar
The Warlis are a settled tribe living in the tribal tracts of Palghar and Nashik districts of north-western Maharashtra. Besides their traditional agricultural practices, the Warlis depend on the surrounding forests for their daily livelihood demands of firewood, karvi sticks for wattle and daub…
in Module
लाख कांकेर, छत्तीसगढ़ की एक महत्वपूर्ण वन उपज है। इसे वृक्षारोपण कहना अधिक उपयुक्त होगा क्योंकि आजकल यह क्षेत्र ग्रीष्मकाल के दौरान कुसुम और पलाश दोनों प्रकार के पेड़ों से बड़ी मात्रा में लाख के उत्पादन में संलग्न है, जो बाद में बाजार में चूड़ियों, पेंट, वार्निश के रूप में बेचा जाता है।
in Library Artifacts
Mushtak Khan
छत्तीसगढ़ के किसी भी ग्रामीण क्षेत्र में जाएँ अथवा नगरीय सीमा के बाहर किसी भी सड़क पर निकल जाएं महुआ का वृक्ष आपको हर तरफ मिल ही जायेगा। यदि आप यहाँ फरवरी से मई माह के बीच गए हैं तो हर तरफ आपको एक विशेष गंध का आभास होगा, जो महुआ वृक्ष के फूलों की महक के कारण चारों ओर फैलती है। इस समय प्रत्येक गांव…
in Article
Raj Gupta
Interview with Mr. Raj Gupta.
Mr. Gupta is the District Program Officer (DPO), Livelihoods of Uttar Bastar Kanker, Zila Parishad. As a Development Practitioner he has extensive experience of working with the adivasi communities of Uttar-Bastar Kanker district of Chhattisgarh and…
in Video
Arunpol Seal
Image: Women Walking to the Haat with their Produces.
This article seeks to dive deep into the life world of the adivasis through trope of Minor Forest Produces (MFP) and portray how these seasonal 'forest products' organize their lives and connects them to the larger circuits of national…
in Article
Anushka Rose
Image 1: Ripe Mahua
The Forest and its Afterlife:
The leaves, roots, stems, flowers, fruits, bark, insects and a whole host of components together constitute the forest of Bastar. The animals, insects, humans who thrive in the ecology come together in their ever changing configurations…
in Article
Nagaraj B.N.
in Image Gallery