
Displaying 11 - 18 of 18
Dulari Qureshi
The caves of Aurangabad lie to the north of the city in the protective bosom of the Sihyachal ranges, and rise above the plains to a height of 700 feet. The caves overlook the present campus of  Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University. Eclipsed by the close proximity of the World Heritage…
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Tupur Banerjee
Ancient Indian tradition describes food as prana, i.e., life, as food sustains life, and provides nutrition (Swami Gambhirananda 2007:142). Food intake within the same culture varies according to place, family and gender. Fish, for instance is a staple for Bengalis, but all Bengalis do not eat the…
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Arnab Bhowmick
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