A glimpse of how the yearning for the encounter with the Divine and delight in Its manifestations moved spiritual seekers to song, poetry, dance and sculpture in traditions across South Asia.
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Snapshots of how stories of those seeking union with the Divine frequently evoke journeys—away from worldly attachments, through a series of 'muqaam's or stages on the Sufi path, in the company of fellow seekers, or alone.
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Bonding with the Divine through Bhakti or Sufi practice was often a process where caste hierarchies lost meaning, poets transcended constraints of gender, and people came together across religious divisions, as we see in literature from Karnataka to Kashmir, and in living traditions today.
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Guddu and Muniya discuss why a guru is important, and what makes a true guru, in this adaptation of the dastangoi tradition performed by Rajesh Kumar and Nusrat, that draws on stories told in the Dadu Panth, and of Data Ganj Bakhsh.
Sahapedia is grateful to Bajaj Autos Pvt. Ltd. for the grant that…
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Rajesh Kumar and Nusrat Dastangoi (performers), Manish Tomer, Rajesh Kumar, Ankita Dubey (writers)
Stories about bhakti and tasawwuf (‘sufism’) are told in puranas, kirtans and malfuzat (conversations with Sufi pirs). Each teller adds something of her own. 'Suni Sunai' is a retelling of such stories inspired by the Hindustani tradition of dastangoi.
The stories here are…
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Sriram Sabhapathy, curated and captioned by Kartikay Khetarpal
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Kartikay Khetarpal
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Kartikay Khetarpal
The formation of
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Debaprasad Bandyopadhyay
[This is the journal of a knowledge-monger, so to say a tongue-trader, who even though specializes in Linguistics, works in a curious amalgamation of physics and linguistic theories following the course of his mission. For the sake of his queer trade he reaches out to the bauls to play the…
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