
Displaying 21 - 30 of 60
Abismrita Chakravarty
Sattras are monastic institutions of the neo-Vaishnavite tradition that are unique because of their practise of a form of Bhakti that employs dance, music and theatre for the dissemination of religious ideas. Although much has been written about the history of sattras and the art forms that…
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Abismrita Chakravarty
Sattras are monastic institutions of the neo-Vaishnavite tradition that serve as socio-religious and cultural centres in Assam. An integral part of Assamese life and culture, sattras are repositories of the ancient religious philosophy and artistic expressions attached to it. The neo-Vaishnavite…
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Abismrita Chakravarty
The monastic institutions that belong to the Neo-Vaishnavite tradition of Assam, called sattras, have been critical in preserving a rich cultural heritage and oral tradition. The monks (bhakats) have used the medium of dance, drama and music to disseminate the religious spiritual ideas and are…
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  The Ramnamis are a sect from Chhattisgarh who believe in chanting the name of Ram as the sole means of devotion and worship.  They belong to the Panth communities from this region who are mostly from the so called lower caste, reject bramhanical practices and the caste system, and are…
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  The Ramnamis are a sect from Chhattisgarh who believe in chanting the name of Ram as the sole means of devotion and worship. They are a part of Panth communities from this region who belong mostly to the ' lower castes', reject bramhanical practices and the caste…
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L. Hanumanthaiah, Kannada poet and scholar, speaks of the social origins and preoccupations of the Vachana movement, and the advent of Veerashaivism as a social solvent of the caste system. He notes the present reification of Veerashaivism as being contrary to its original impetus, and stresses on…
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Kannada poet, literary scholar and translator H.S. Shivaprakash delineates the trajectory of Bhakti traditions, and specifically, Vachana literature. He delves into the social impulses and religious needs that drove and sustained the Vachana movement and identifies its basic principles and…
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Team, Chhattisgarh Project
Ramnamis belong to the Sant tradition and are the upasak (devotee) of Ram naam (name). Their Ram is not the ideal king of the epic Ramayana, but a word that is the 'ultimate truth'. This video is a dialogue (Goshti) on the theme of Prem (also a bhakti poetry) through verses of Tulsidas, Kabir and…
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What is the chronology of Bhakti? How did the concept of Bhakti evolve over a period in the Indian subcontinent? What are the social impacts of Bhakti in the inner lives of people? Who was responsible for these religious developments? Who held the agency to bring out these changes in Indian society…
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