
Displaying 1 - 10 of 16
Shruti Chakraborty
We comb through the unique tribal practices in Chhattisgarh’s heartland, where once the modest comb was highly regarded as a symbol of a Muria man’s love and desire. (Photo Source: Courtesy Mushtak Khan/Sahapedia)   There is no doubt that anything can be turned into an object that…
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Anushka Rose
    Randhi cho beti, Baat cho kheti, Kanak chudi dhaam. Bana-pata ke ochha noni, Khindik raho thaan.   The lines from a Halbi song invites the people of village to come and celebrate the season of life giving and nurturing showers. The singer calls out to the hands that have worked…
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Jaya Aishwarya
  Introduction Cultural heritage has been defined by UNESCO in terms of three domains: tangible culture like buildings, monuments, landscapes, books, works of art and artifacts; intangible culture such as folklore, traditions, language and knowledge; and natural heritage such as…
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Anusha Sundar
  India was long characterized as the ‘land of snake charmers’, bringing to mind images of dusky men with dangerous-looking snakes winding round their bodies while they played the flute. The genesis of such images can be traced back to the ‘oriental gaze’ that informed both academic…
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Riddhi Pandey
  In the earliest of times there was no land but only water all around. One fine day, God created the earth. Immediately after, two ascetics emerged from the depths of the ground. One of the ascetics was the Brahmin and the other was the Nanga Baiga. To the Brahmin, God gave pen and paper for…
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Riddhi Pandey
  Edited transcript of the interview with Dr Ranju Hasini Sahoo   Ranju Hasini Sahoo is a professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology in the Indira Gandhi National Tribal University (IGNTU), Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh. She is leading a major ICSSR…
in Interview
Gauri Bharat
Mud murals are an integral part of the domestic architecture of Jharkhand in eastern India. Mud has been used as a building material since ancient times and continues to be the primary material for the making of rural dwellings in many parts of the world. It requires regular maintenance including…
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Tanuja Sethi
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Gauri Bharat
Considering that adivasi architecture and domestic art in India have been recognised in scholarship since colonial times, one finds surprisingly little material on the subject beyond famous traditions such as Warli, Gond or Mithila art. Even when such documentation exists, the location of these art…
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