In Search of Gold

In Search of Gold

in Video
Published on: 16 April 2020

Basav Biradar

Basav Biradar is an independent writer, documentary filmmaker, teacher and researcher based in Bangalore, India. His first film Before The Third Bell was an official selection in the prestigious Segal Center Film Festival on Theatre and Performance 2018 in New York, USA. Basav has written travel essays, features on cinema, political reportage, features on heritage for various publications. He teaches courses on Indian Cinema and Modern Indian Theatre at Azim Premji University, Bangalore. He is currently working on a film on ultra-running and his first non-fiction book.

The Kolar Gold Fields has had a rich history in its 120 years of existence.

The mining belt has also been a hotbed of workers' struggle. As the tussle between the government and the BGML employees co-operative continues even today, KGF has come to occupy a unique cultural, economic, social and political place in Karnataka. This film is an attempt to parse some of these realities of KGF today.