Myths and Legends of the Angami Nagas: Readings

in Bibliography
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Menka Singh

Menka Singh has been working as an Assistant Professor in History at Daulat Ram College, University of Delhi, since 2012. She is currently pursuing her PhD from the Department of History, University of Delhi. Her doctoral dissertation is titled 'The Memory and Legacy of Colonialism in the Naga Hills, c. 1832-1947'. Her M.Phil dissertation was titled 'State, Family, and Orphans of Partition, c. 1940-1980'. She was enrolled at Hindu College and Lady Shri Ram College for her Masters and Bachelors in History respectively. She has been part of workshops, conferences and seminars on both Partition Studies and Northeast Studies. She has presented and published papers and has a keen interest in Partition narratives, folklore studies, child rights, jurisprudence, cultural studies, Gandhian ideology, gender studies, and the methodologies of history writing.

Burke, Peter. Varieties if Cultural History. New York: Cornell University Press Ithaca, 1997.


Chakravarti, Uma. 'Women, men and beasts: The Jataka as Popular Tradition.' Studies in History 9, no. 1: 4370.


Cotterell, Arthur. Myths & Legends. London: Marshall Editions, 2000.


Hartog, Francois. Regimes of Historicity: Presentism and Experiences of Time. Translated by Saskia Brown. New York: Columbia University Press, 2015. 


Harvey, Graham. Animism: Respecting the Living World. New York: Columbia University Press, 2006.


Heitzman, James. 'State Formation in South India, 850 -1280.' Indian Economic Social History Review 24 35: 3565.


Joyner, Charles W. 'Oral History as Communicative Event: A Folkloristic Perspective.' The Oral History Review 7 (1979): 4752


Joyner, Charles. Accepting Our Heritage. Callaloo 24, no. 1: 104105


Lévi-Strauss, Claude. Myth and Meaning. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978.


Lowenthal, David. The Heritage Crusade and the Spoils of History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.


Mao, X.P. 'The origin of Tiger, Spirit and Humankind: A Mao Naga Myth.' Indian Folklife, No. 33 (2009).  


Schultz, Emily A., and Robert H. Lavenda. Cultural Anthropology: A Perspective on the Human Condition. Oxford: OUP, 2009.


Welsch, Robert L., Luis A. Vivanco. Cultural Anthropology: Asking Questions About Humanity. Oxford: OUP, 2009.