A Descriptive Bibliography

in Bibliography
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This bibliography consists of 68 works, presented chronologically. In a year when two or more titles were published, they have been listed alphabetically. Details of a later edition are given under the entry for the first edition, and in like manner the details of a reprint. First editions, several later editions and a few reprints were published by Tagore over a span of 43 years, from 1870 to 1912. Approximately 70 per cent of the first editions were published from 1875 to 1884.


Though notes are not provided for each entry, a few brief annotations have been added. The letter ‘m’ indicates that the associated entry contains music notation. These notations may be musical exercises, music in the public domain, or compositions by Sourindro Mohun Tagore, the latter with or without a text. In some instances the extended title of a work simultaneously serves as an annotation.


A number in bold means that a copy from a first edition is in the collection of the State Library of Victoria (SLV), which houses a rare book from the first edition of 10 titles. The relevant entries below are 6, 8, 11, 12, 17, 19, 25, 28, 30 and 37.


1. 1870 m Jatiya Sangita Bishayaka Prostava; Or, a Discourse on National Music, in Bengali. 41 Calcutta. 75, 3 pp.


2. 1872 m Ækatana, or the Indian Concert. Calcutta: printed by Mothooranath Turkarutna, Pracrita Press. 47 pp.


In three parts: ‘Elementary Rules For the Hindu Musical Notation, With a Description Of Signs Frequently Used in Airs Intended For the Ækatana’ (pp.1–6); ‘Ækatana, or the Indian Concert [Orchestra]’, containing information on 13 musical instruments (pp.7–10); and 18 pieces in Indian notation (pp.11–47).


3. 1872 m Jantra Khettra Deepica; Or, a Treatise on 'Citara,' Containing All the Precepts and Examples on the Rudiments Of Hindoo Music, Intended as an Introduction to the Study Of the Above Instrument. Illustrated With Various Exercises And Ninety Four Airs Arranged in the Present System Of Hindoo Notation. Calcutta: K.P. Banerjeea. 3, 317 pp., illus. ‘In Bengali, with exception of added t.-p. in English. The music is in Bengali notation’.42—1879 m 2nd ed. Yantra-Kshetra-Dıpika; Or, a Treatise on the 'Setar', Containing the Requisite Rules for Performing on the Instrument, Together with Various Exercises and Two Hundred and Two Airs. Calcutta: K.P. Banerjea, printed by J. N. Vidyaratna. 2, 2, 8, 422 pp., 6 pp. illus.


———.1890 m 3rd ed. Yantra-Kshetra-Dıpika…244 airs. Calcutta: K.P. Banerjea. 242 pp. illus.


4. 1873 m Mrdangaman˜jarı: Mrdanga-Siksha-Bidhayaka-Granthah. Calcutta: printed by Mothooranath Turkarutna, Pracrita Press. 186, 22, 2 pp., illus. ‘A treatise on mridanga’, 43 ‘with bol (mnemonic monosyllabic) notation’.44


5. 1874 m Harmonium-Sutra; Or, a Treatise on Harmonium. Calcutta: printed by Mothooranath Turkarutna, Pracrita Press. 6, 79 pp., fold. pp. (music).


6. 1874 m Hindu Music. Reprinted from the 'Hindoo Patriot', September 7, 1874. Calcutta: printed at the 'Hindoo Patriot' Press. 43, 3, 6 pp.—1882 repr. in Hindu Music from Various Authors, enlarged 2nd ed.45


7. 1875 m English Verses Set to Hindu Music in Honor Of His Royal Highness the Prince Of Wales. Calcutta: printed by J.N. Ghose, Presidency Press. vi, 31, 156 pp.46


8. 1875 m comp. Hindu Music from Various Authors, Part I. Calcutta: Babu Punchanun Mukerjea, printed by I.C. Bose, Stanhope Press. ix, 315 pp. Two fold-out pages: ‘Ancient Sanscrit [sic] Notation, Vasanta’; three tunes in staff notation, ‘Hindovee’, ‘A Hindu Jungle Tuppah’ and ‘Bengalee’. ‘For Private Circulation Only’ on title page. (SLV) —1882 m enlarged 2nd ed. Calcutta: printed by I.C. Bose, Stanhope Press. x, vi, ix, 423 pp. Hindu Music (entry 6), pp.339–87. 1965 repr. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Studies, Vol.XLIX. 1990 & 1994 repr. Delhi: Low Price Publications.


9. 1875 m Prince Pancasat; Or, Fifty Stanzas in Sanskrita, in Honor Of His Royal Highness the Prince Of Wales, Composed and Set to Music by the Author (with a Translation). Calcutta: I.C. Bose [Stanhope Press]. vi, 147 pp.


10. 1875 author and comp. Sangıta-Sara-Sangrahah; Arthat, Pracına-Samskrta-Sangıta Sastranumoditasangıtagranthah. Calcutta: printed and published by I.C. Bose, Stanhope Press. 2, 273 pp. In Sanskrit. ‘Sangit-Sara-Sangraha; Or Theory Of Sanskrit Music, compiled from the ancient Authorities, with various Criticisms and Remarks by the Author’.


11. 1875 m Six Principal Ragas, With a Brief View Of Hindu Music. Calcutta: Calcutta Central Press Company.


———.1877 m 2nd ed. Calcutta: Calcutta Central Press Company. ii, 46, 26, xiv pp., 7 plates. [6 ragamalas and an illustration of Sarasvatı] (SLV). ‘This is a duplicate of the first edition with a new titlepage’. Four ‘Songs of Jayadeva’, pp.i–xiv. 1982 repr. Delhi: Neeraj Publishing House. 1990 & 1995 repr. Delhi: Low Price Publications.


———.1884 3rd ed. Calcutta: Calcutta Central Press Company.


12. 1875 m Victoria-Gıtika; Or, Sanskrit Verses Celebrating the Deeds and the Virtues Of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen Victoria and Her Renowned Predecessors Composed and Set to Music by Sourindro Mohun Tagore, President, Bengal Music Society (with a Translation). Calcutta: printed and published by I.C. Bose, Stanhope Press. vi, 349 pp.49


13. 1875 Yantra Kosha; Or, a Treasury Of the Musical Instruments Of Ancient and Of Modern India, and Of Various Other Countries. Calcutta: A.C. Ghose. 8, 296 pp., illus. In Bengali, with tuning charts and English notes. 1976 repr. New York: AMS Press. 1983 repr. Calcutta: Sharmila Prakashani.


14. 1876 Manasa Pujanam; Artha¯t, Srımacchankaracaryya Viracitam Srıdurgastotram. Calcutta: Nutana Bangala Yantre. 18 pp. ‘A collection of Sanskrit hymns [to Durga], composed by the famous Sankarachargya [sic] to music’.


15. 1876 Muktabalı Natika. Calcutta. 61 pp. ‘A Bengali drama, written by the author at the age of sixteen’.


16. 1876 m Victoria Samrajyan; Or, Sanskrit Stanzas (with a Translation) on the Various Dependencies Of the British Crown, Each Composed and Set to the Respective National Music, in Commemoration Of the Assumption Of Her Most Gracious Majesty, the Queen Victoria, Of the Diadem—'Indiæ Imperatrix'. Calcutta: [the author], printed by I.C. Bose, Stanhope Press. xii, vi, 155 pp., illus.


———.1882m 2nd ed. Calcutta: printed by I.C. Bose, Stanhope Press. xii, vi, 163 pp., illus. 


———.1887 m 3rd (Jubilee) ed. Victoria Samrajyan; Or, Sanskrit Stanzas (with an English Translation) On Various Dependencies Of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Empress Of India. Distributed Gratis on the Occasion Of the Jubilee of Her Most Gracious Majesty. Calcutta: [the author], printed by I.C. Bose, Stanhope Press. xii, vi, 163 pp., illus.


The Loyal Song of Bengal (entry 20), pp.156–63. Music in Bengali notation and staff notation.


17. 1876–80 comp. Public Opinion and Official Communications, about the Bengal Music School and Its President. Calcutta: Panchanun Mookerjee, printed by I.C. Bose, Stanhope Press. v, 53, 314 pp.


In 5 parts, having been bound together in Calcutta:

(1) ‘List of Musical and Other Works and Compilations by Dr. Sourindro Mohun Tagore’, v pp.

(2) ‘I. Public Opinion’, pp.1–49; and ‘II. Official Communications’, pp. 50–3. 13 October 1871–18 November 1876.

(3) ‘Supplement to the Public Opinion’, pp.1–3; and ‘Supplement to the Official Communications’, pp.4–23. 1 December 1876–28 February 1877.

(4) ‘Additional Supplement to the Public Opinion’, pp.24–49. 9 January 1877–15 March 1877.

(5) ‘Supplement—(continued), Public Opinion and Official Communications’, pp.51–314. 25 January 1877–19 March 1880.


18. 1877 trans. Bhoogl-o-Itihas-Ghatia-Brittanta; Or, an Outline in Bengali Of the History and Geography Of Europe.52 Calcutta. 36 pp.


19. 1877 m A Few Lyrics Of Owen Meredith Set to Hindu Music. Calcutta: Punchanan Mukerjee, printed by I.C. Bose, Stanhope Press. ii, 100 pp.


20. 1877 m The Loyal Song Of Bengal. [Calcutta: printed by I.C. Bose, Stanhope Press]. 7 pp.


———.1879 repr. in A Few Specimens Of Indian Songs (entry 28).


———.1887 repr. in Victoria Sa¯mra¯jyan, 3rd (Jubilee) ed. (entry 16).


21. 1877 trans. Ma¯labika¯gnimitra Na¯taka. Calcutta. 110 pp. ‘A Bengali Translation Of the Sanskrit Drama Of The Same Name’, written by Kalidasa.


22. 1877 Short Notices Of Hindu Musical Instruments. Calcutta: printed by Ashutosh Ghose, Albert Press. xxvi, 43 pp.


———.1912 Imperial Coronation Durbar ed. (rev. and enl.). Calcutta: Thacker, Spink.viii, 72 pp.


23. 1877 m Victoria-Gıti-Mala; Or, a Brief History Of England, in Bengali Verses, Composed and Set to Music in Commemoration Of the Assumption Of the Imperial Title by Her Most Gracious Majesty, the Queen Victoria, of the diadem—'Indiæ Imperatrix', Part I. Calcutta: Punchanun Mookerjee. x, 141 pp.


———.1887 m Jubilee ed. …Distributed Gratis in Commemoration Of the Jubilee Of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Empress Of India. Calcutta: I.C. Bose [Stanhope Press]. x, 141 pp.


24. 1878 trans. Bharatıya Natya Rahasya; Or, a Treatise on Hindu Drama. Calcutta: printed by S.P. Chatterjee, New Bengal Press. 268 pp.


25. 1878 m Fifty Tunes, Composed and Set to Music. Calcutta: the author, printed by I.C. Bose, Stanhope Press. vi, 57, ii pp.


26. 1878 m Gıtavalı; Or, a Hindi Manual Of Indian Vocal Music. Calcutta: [the author], I.C. Bose [Stanhope Press]. iv, 15, 108 pp., 1 illus. English preface, music in Hindi notation.


27. 1878 A Vedic Hymn, Set to English Notation. Calcutta.


28. 1879 m A Few Specimens Of Indian Songs. Calcutta: [the author], printed by I.C. Bose, Stanhope Press. ii, 113 pp. The Loyal Song Of Bengal (entry 20), staff notation, pp.108–13.


29. 1879 ed. Kavi-rahasyam; Or, a Root-Lexicon Within a Poem. By Halayudha Bhatta. Calcutta: K.P. Banerjee. vi, [8], 58, 44 pp. ‘Edited with notes by Sourindro Mohun Tagore’.55


30. 1879 Mani-Mala; Or, a Treatise on Gems, Part I. Calcutta: [the author], printed by I.C. Bose, Stanhope Press. xxvi, vi, 810 pp., illus., ports., diagrs., tables. (SLV).


———.1879–81 Mani-Mala; Or, a Treatise on Gems, 2 Vols. Calcutta: [the author]. iv, 1067 pp., illus., ports., diagrs., tables.


31. 1880 m The Eight Principal Rasas Of the Hindus, with Murtti and Vrindaka, or Tableaux and Dramatic Pieces, Illustrating Their Character. Calcutta: [the author]. iii, 162 pp., [9] mounted plates.


32. 1880 m Eight Tunes. Calcutta: K.P. Banerjee. 16, ii pp.


33. 1880 comp. and trans. Hindu Drama, Compiled and Translated from Various Sanskrit Authorities. Calcutta: Bengal Academy of Music. iv, 56, 46 pp.


34. 1880 Indian Music’s Address to Lord Lytton. Calcutta. 67 pp.


35. 1880 Rasabishkara-Brndaka. Calcutta: [the author]. 30 pp.


36. 1880 Roma-Kavya; Or, a Short Sketch Of Roman History, From the Earliest Days Of Antiquity to the Present Time, in Sanskrit Verse. Calcutta: K.P. Banerjee. 91 pp. Silorata, Pietro Bernabo`, trans. Roma-Poema; Ovvero, Breve Schizzo della Storia Romana dai Primi Tempi delle Antichita` Fino ai Nostri Giorni, in Versi Sanskriti. Rome: Regia Tipografia. 101 pp.


———.1882 Rome: Rip. Sociale. 111 pp.


37. 1880 m The Ten Principal Avataras Of the Hindus, with a Short History Of Each Incarnation and Directions for the Representation Of the Murttis as Tableaux Vivants. Calcutta: the author, printed by I.C. Bose, Stanhope Press. ii, iv, ii, 157 pp., 12 mounted plates. ‘Hymn to Vishnu’, pp.149–57. 1988 repr. with a new title, Musical Rhythm Of Hindu Avataras. Delhi: Sundeep Prakashan.


38. 1880 trans. Venı-Sanhara Nataka; Or, the Binding Of the Braid, a Sanskrit Drama by Bhatta-Narayana [fl. 1060]. Calcutta. 72 pp., genealogical table.


39. 1881 The Catalogue Of Works Forwarded for Submission to the Fifth Oriental Congress at Berlin. Calcutta: printed by I.C. Bose [Stanhope Press]. i, 5 pp. 56.


40. 1881 The Dramatic Sentiments Of the Aryas. Calcutta: [the author], printed by I.C. Bose [Stanhope Press]. 40 pp.


41. 1881 m The Five Principal Musicians Of the Hindus; Or, a Brief Exposition Of the Essential Elements Of Hindu Music as Set Forth by the Five Celestial Musicians Of India, an Offering to the Fifth International Congress of Orientalists, to be held at Berlin in September, 1881. Calcutta: [the author], I.C. Bose [Stanhope Press]. iv, 28 pp., 1 leaf of plates.57. 1979 repr. Varanasi: Bharatiya Pub. House.


42. 1881 Hara Kumar Tagore, comp. S.M. Tagore, ed. Puras´carana-Bodhinı¯; Or, Instructions Regarding Certain Ceremonials. Calcutta: [S.M. Tagore], I.C. Bose [Stanhope Press]. 51 pp., illus.


43. 1881 The Sharja-Grama and the European Diatonic Scale. Calcutta. A diagram on one sheet of paper.58


———.1884 repr. in The Musical Scales Of the Hindus (entry 52).


44. 1881 trans. Taravatı, a Tale. Calcutta. 75 pp. ‘Written by the translator’s mother’.59


45. 1881 ed. with notes. Sangıta-Darpana; Or, the Mirror Of Music, by Damodara Misra, Part I. Calcutta: [S.M. Tagore]. [107 pp.], in Sanskrit.


46. 1882 m The 'National Anthem.' Translated into Sanskrit and Bengali Verse, and Set to Twelve Varieties Of Indian Melody, (at the Request Of the London 'National Anthem' Committee). Calcutta: [the author], I.C. Bose [Stanhope Press]. 32 pp., 1 illus.61.


———.1887 m The National Anthem for India, by Raja Sir Sourindro Mohun Tagore Set to 12 Varieties Of Indian Melody. Calcutta. 32 pp.


47. 1882 m Prayer in Songs: For Her Excellency the Most Hon’ble the Marchioness Of Ripon. Calcutta: I.C. Bose [Stanhope Press]. 43 pp., illus.


48. 1883 m Gita-Pravesa; Or, a Manual Of Hindu Vocal Music in Bengali, Composed and Set to Music, Part I. Calcutta: New Bengal Press, K.G. Charta. 40 pp.


49. 1883 Hindu Loyalty: A Presentation Of the Views and Opinions Of the Sanskrit Authorities on the Subject Of Loyalty, in Connection With the Movement Of the National Anthem for India. Calcutta: [S.M. Tagore]. 100 pp.


———.1887 Jubilee ed. Calcutta: [the author], printed by I.C. Bose [Stanhope Press]. 100 pp.


50. 1883 comp. The Twenty Principal Kavyakaras Of the Hindus; Or, Extracts from the Works Of Twenty Of the Most Renowned Literati Of India. An Offering to the Sixth International Congress Of Orientalists, to be Held at Leyden in September 1883. Calcutta: the author. I.C. Bose Stanhope Press. 46 pp.


51. 1884 The Caste System Of the Hindus. Calcutta: Catholic Orphan Press. 33 pp.1963 repr. Varanasi: Indological Book House.


52. 1884 m The Musical Scales Of the Hindus: With Remarks on the Applicability Of Harmony to Hindu Music. Calcutta: Bengal Academy of Music, printed by I.C. Bose, Stanhope Press. ii, 118 pp., 1 folded leaf. Includes The Sharja-Grama and the European Diatonic Scale (entry 43). 1979 repr. New York: AMS Press.


53. 1884 The Orders Of Knighthood, British and Foreign, with a Brief Review Of the Titles Of Rank and Merit in Ancient Hindusthan. Calcutta: [the author]. 238, 129, 19 pp., [3] coloured plates.


54. 1886 The Twenty-Two Musical Srutis Of the Hindus. Calcutta: Bengal Academy of Music, printed by I.C. Bose, Stanhope Press. 51 pp., 1 folded leaf. 1977 repr. of 1886 ed. Ann Arbor, Michigan and London: UMI.


———.1887 2nd ed.


55. 1887 m Six Ragas and Thirty-Six Raginis Of the Hindus. Calcutta: [the author]. 253 pp., illus.62


56. 1888 comp. Nrityankura; Or, a Treatise on Dancing, Indian and Foreign, Compiled from Sanskrit and Other Authorities. Calcutta: W. Newman, Bengal Academy of Music. 25 pp.


57. 1892 comp. A Brief History Of Bakarganj. Calcutta: I.C. Bose [Stanhope Press]. 12 pp.


58. 1892 comp. A Brief History Of Bankura. Calcutta: I.C. Bose [Stanhope Press].17 pp.


59. 1892 m The Seven Principal Musical Notes Of the Hindus, with Their Presiding Deities, Composed in Celebration Of the Birth-Day Of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Empress Of India. Calcutta: [the author] I.C. Bose [Stanhope Press]. iii, 51 pp. 1985 repr. New Delhi: B.R. Publishing Corp. 1990 & 1995 repr. Delhi: Low Price Publications.


60. 1893 m trans. Stanzas from Veni Samhara Nataka, Set to Music (and Translated). Calcutta: I.C. Bose [Stanhope Press]. 32 pp.


61. 1894 m Pope’s 'Universal Prayer', with the Names Of the Deity in Various Languages. Set to Indian Raga-Mala, or a Variety Of Indian Ragas and Talas. Calcutta: I.C. Bose [Stanhope Press]. 27 pp.


62. 1895 List Of Titles, Distinctions and Works Of Raja Sir Sourindro Mohun Tagore. Calcutta: N.G. Goswamy. xi, 36, iii pp.


63. 1895/96 m Indiyan Instithutam Prati Bharatıyasangıtopaharah. Calcutta: printed by I.C. Bose, Stanhope Press. Oxford: University of Oxford, Indian Institute. 87 pp.


‘'Odes in Honour Of the Opening Of the Indian Institute' at Oxford University, July 1, 1896. …texts in Sanskrit, unaccompanied songs’.63


64. 1896 Universal History Of Music, Compiled from Diverse Sources, Together with Various Original Notes on Hindu Music. Calcutta: N.G. Goswamy. See Press. iv, vi, 354, xiv, xx pp. 1963 repr. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Chowkhamba Sanskrit Studies, Vol.XXXI. 1989 repr. Delhi: Mittal Publications. 1990 repr. Delhi: Low Price Publications.


65. [1898] m Srımad-Victoria-Mahatmyam, the Greatness Of the Empress Victoria: A Sanskrit Poem, Set to Music, with an English Translation and Sixty-Three Illustrations Descriptive Of Sixty Years Of Her Majesty’s Sovereignty. London: Cassell. 299 pp., illus.


66. 1899 comp. and trans. Abhra; Or, a Few Notes on Talc, Compiled and Translated into English from Various Sanskrit Works. Calcutta. 28 pp.


67. 1899 A Short Account Of Raja Sir Sourindro Mohun Tagore with a List Of Titles, Distinctions and Works. Calcutta.


68. 1903 The Coronation: Being a Compilation Of the Procedure as Laid Down in the Hindu Classical Works, with Stanzas Specially Addressed to His Most Gracious Majesty the Emperor Of India. Calcutta: [the author]. 200 pp.