Gaan Ngai FestivalImage Gallery
Northeast India
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Pauline Warjri is the choir director of the Aroha Junior Choir as well as the Aroha Senior Choir. In this conversation with Ellerine Diengdoh, Pauline talks about choral music pedagogy as she understands it, and discusses the kind of vocal training she imparts to her students.
in Interview
Ever since the Shillong Chamber Choir won India’s Got Talent in 2010, Northeast India has garnered a deserved reputation as a region rich in choral singing. This reputation can, in part, be traced back to the nineteenth century when Welsh missionaries working in various parts of the Northeast…
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Christianity is believed to have been introduced in India by Thomas, one of the Twelve Apostles, in the Malabar coast in 52 CE. Another version credits Bartholomew, another of the Apostles, with the introduction of the faith in the Konkan coast around the same time. Either way, scholars seem to be…
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Zeliangrong is a portmanteau of Zeme, Liangmai and Rongmei (Ze + Liang + Rong), three cognate groups of tribes. These three groups practise a number of traditional festivals. Though the festivals are observed under different names, they have similar themes and objectives. Among the traditional…
in Interview