Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5
Amiya P. Sen
Chaitanya, the 15th-century saint, is known for his role in spreading Vaishnavism in Bengal. Often hailed as a socioreligious reformer, we look at modern research that has shown that while there is no denying Chaitanya’s extraordinary contribution to Vaishnavism, there are reasons to reassess…
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Urna Mukherjee
  Introduction   Bishnupur, a municipal town in the modern day Bankura district in West Bengal, was a centre of music, art, and architecture for hundreds of years. Among other things, the town is well-known for its terracotta temples, extensively embellished with carved and moulded…
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  Q. What was so unique about Radha’s character that made you write, compile and edit a book solely dedicated to her.   A. Well, Radha is an amazing character in the entire mythic treasure of India. You take all the goddesses, semi-goddesses, celestial women, semi-celestial women,…
in Interview
  Kanupriya Dhawan: Why did you write on someone like Radha?   H.S. Shivaprakash​: I have been deeply interested in different aspects of the Bhakti tradition, the tradition which was largely ignored by historians and art historians. Hindu nationalists, leftists, the mainstream leftists…
in Interview
Mimlu Sen
Md. Intaj Ali: What is the historical genealogy of Bauls and how can it be traced? Mimlu Sen: Linear ideas of history are difficult to apply to oral traditions which have survived uniquely through “bouche a l’oreille” in Bengal. But for those who require historiographical evidence, I remember…
in Interview