Folk theatre

Displaying 11 - 20 of 42
Shreyosee Sen
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Shreyosee Sen
Performing in khon was always considered to be a taboo for women in a male-dominated society as it required them to move beyond the private sphere of household and engage with other khon artists in the public sphere. However, Akulbala Sarkar became a pathbreaker as the rebel woman artist who…
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Shreyosee Sen
Folk theatre in Bengal has a rich legacy and it continues to blend components of music and drama to create a performative space that attracts large audiences in the districts of Bengal. Khon is a satirical folk drama tradition of the Rajbanshi community of North Bengal, also known as Deshiya Poliya…
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डॉ कुलिन कुमार जोशी (Dr Kulin Kumar Joshi)
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डॉ कुलिन कुमार जोशी (Dr Kulin Kumar Joshi)
हिन्दी रंगमंच अपने उद्भव से आज तक, कुछ ही शहरों में सिमटा रहा है | यह मूलतः अभिजात्य रंगमंच है और इसका आधार पश्चिमी नाट्य-सिद्धांत हैं न कि भरतमुनि प्रणीत नाट्यशास्त्र | आज भी दिल्ली, लखनऊ, इलाहाबाद, कानपुर, भोपाल और नैनीताल हिन्दी रंगमंच के गढ़ कहे जा सकते हैं | दिल्ली का मंडी हाउस इलाक़ा यदि…
in Overview
Dr Manorama B.N.
Yakshagana in the coastal region of Karnataka is known for its sophistication, which it has achieved over many years. The classical dimensions achieved through its journey are, fascinatingly, the result of the freedom given by folk traditions, which is where it actually originated. As a component…
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Savithri Shastry
A Chikkamela troupe consists of only two or three performers and accompanying musicians who travel from house to house at night and perform scenes from Yakshagana texts. This video shows an extract of the opening puja rituals and performance by Permude Sharadamba Kripapaoshita troupe.  The video…
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Savithri Shastry
Chikkamela means mini troupe and is a variant of Yakshagana, practised in off-seasons in Coastal Karnataka. In Chikkamela, the troupe, consisting of a couple of actors and accompanying musicians, go from house-to-house to perform select scenes from Yakshagana plays. Surendra Pai started Chikkamela…
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Dr Manorama B.N.
In Coastal Karnataka, a typical Yakshagana season lasts for only six months, from November to May. The rainy months would mean a period of scarcity for those artistes who had no other means of sustenance. Chikkamela, literally meaning mini mela or troupe, was born out of the livelihood concerns of…
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Mushtak Khan
चंदैनी का सारांश एवं चंदैनी गायक/कलाकार – रामाधार साहू का साक्षात्कार चंदैनी का सारांश :-   रामाधार साहू (रा.सा.): लोरिक एक गाय चराने वाला ग्वाला है। वह बहुत ही सुंदर और बलवान, राउत समाज का गौरव है। राजकुमारी चंदा जो बहुत ही सुंदर है, वह लोरिक के बांसुरी वादन से मोहित होकर उससे मन ही मन प्रेम करने…
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